Wednesday 26 September 2007

My thoughts

What I did today really encouraged me to be more confident although I got only one interview.
I suppose that people rejected the interviews not because of races. The reason why I mentioned 'races' is that I heard some of my Chinese friends had been treated unfairly. I probably had experienced that kind of things while I didn't recognise but I am trying to get used to ignore that. I found that they looked quite uncomfortable in front of camera rather than who was interviewing them. I suppose it is definately spontaneous. Thus I don't have any unsatisfied feelings.
Have I got too ordinary opinion? I might add my thoughts more after reading your posts with replies. I think we are approaching in a very unique and interesting way!!

*I attach some photos just for fun which are about my lovely dog.

I think she loved me more than I did. She used to sit and listen to my songs and especially loved Beatles. Haha!!!

Now my parents in-law are looking after her.

1 comment:

Dom Carter said...

I got the feeling with my own interviews that people were uncomfortable and put off by the camera. It is apparent that this will have an effect on the finished project. I suppose these days everyone is well aware of the dangers of making un-guarded remarks. Noone wants to be the next laughing stock on U-Tube. I don't think I got less refsuals than the other interviewers, the interviews I got were very positive about the students and I did not get any sense of hostility. I would like to know what other interviewers felt about those they did manage to interview. Part of the purpose of this project is to understand methods of research and reflection, and considering the success or failure of the project in blogs and in group discussion is the whole point, so I don't worry about whether the group's expectations of the interviews will be met or not.