Thursday 20 September 2007

A walk around Farnham district

Despite it being in the middle of stockbroker Surrey, Farnham has maintained its sleepy English market town feel. Behind the University is a public footpath wandering through farmland and a small woodland. Arriving at 8.30am each morning, may guarantee a place in the student carpark, but it can be pretty boring as nothing opens until 9am, and teaching events normally start around 10. If I'm not catching up on work that I should have already done long ago, I often like to spend the gap time taking a walk up the footpath. This morning, I ventured out half expecting plastic tape or some irrate farmer blocking my way, warning me that the countryside had been closed down because of FMD (that is; Foot and Mouth disease, to all those old enough to remember when every new thing didn't get reduced to initials, to be bandied about by the 'well informed'.) The way was clear however, and the disinterested gaze of grazing horses was the only acknowledgement of my presence. Walking uphill through 'bracing' wind and a grey, threatening sky, I thought about the fact that I am going to have to get to grips with this Blogging thing for the Induction exercise. If it is successfully 'posted', I will have taken my first steps in Blogging, and invited you to take a little wander...

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